The Pacific Consult Team

Dr. Peter B. Schoop, Managing Partner, Pacific Consult AG, Zurich
PhD in Economics, University of Zurich
Industry focus and expertise: Mechanical Engineering and Investment Goods, Medical Products, Electronics, Automotive, Food and Beverage
Previous experience: Planning manager and controller with Sulzer Bros. Ltd., Switzerland,
Partner with Ernst & Young Consulting Ltd., Switzerland and New York,
Management functions and board memberships in several Chinese companies Tel. +41 79 405 73 80

David Fan, Managing Partner, Pacific Consult AG, Zurich
M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, ETH Zurich
Master of Advanced Studies in Business Administration, HSW Lucerne
Industry focus and expertise: Technical products, electonic industry, health care, energy
Previous experience: Global Sourcing Director Leica Microsystems AG, Switzerland
General Manager Leica Microsystems Ltd., Shanghai
Several management functions in R&D, Schindler Lift AG, Switzerland
Directors of the board of Chinese companies Tel. +41 44 291 22 11

Cécile E. Aschwanden, Partner, Pacific Consult AG, Zurich, Lic phil I University of Zurich (Psychology, IT)
Industry focus and expertise: Information technology in the financial industry, operational and information systems risks, medical devices, Turnaround projects
Previous experience: IT- and management consultant KPMG, Global Head Private Banking IT Swiss Bank Corporation, Managing Partner and Chairman itopia – corporate information technology (IT Risk and Turnaround Management), CTO European Webgroup (Internet investment and management firm), Non-executive director in investment and startup companies, lecturer for IT Management at the University of St. Gallen (1995 – 2001) Tel. +41 79 321 20 91

Josef Steiger, Senior Consultant, Pacific Consult AG, Zurich
M.Sc. in civil engineering, degree in business administration, University of St.Gallen Business School
Industry focus and expertise: textiles, textile machinery and components, food packaging, printing
Previous experience: Relationship manager for corporate finance at Chase Manhattan Bank, Managing director of Multivac Export AG with activity in packaging machines, Head of marketing and sales at Rieter for textile machines, Head of market development at Saurer. Tel. +41 44 291 22 11

Michael Fang, General Manager, Pacific Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Shanghai
B.Sc in mechanical engineering and metallurgy, Shengyang University. Advanced studies in international trade, Shanghai International Trade College
Expertise: Market research for any type of machinery & industrial products and services, international negotiations, product registration, Chinese authorities and regulations
Previous experience: Engineer at research institute of Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, project manager with SBC Business Consulting Co. Ltd., Shanghai, Tel. +86 21 5820 1405

Dr. Xiaoping Pu, Associate Partner, PhD Science & Technology University Beijing, MBA Beijing University
Industry focus and expertise: Automation, machinery, cabeling, textile industry
Previous experience: General manager Siemens China, Managing director Daetwyler China, Executive vice president Uster Technologies China
Certified trainer of Achieveglobal for sales, certified trainer of DDI for leadership
Specialised in training, consulting, coaching and interim management, solid and broad experience in strategy, business development, sales, engineering services, R&D, production, project management and quality assurance Tel +86 138 1898 9137

Dr. Armin Krauter, Associate Partner, Pacific Consult AG, Heidelberg
M.A., Stanford University, PhD, Marburg University
Industry focus and expertise: Advisor in several Asian-projects of German companies, business process engineering, strategy development, start-up support and operational management of companies in Germany and China, leadership development and business coaching
Previous experience: Partner in an international consulting company, founding shareholder of start-ups in the IT industry and the high-end plastic manufacturing industry, responsible for the business development in Germany of a consulting company specialicing on Asia Tel. +49 6221 64103

Gudrun Timm, Associate Partner, Pacific Consult AG, Heidelberg
MA in Economics from Bonn University, Advanced China Studies at Nanjing University
Industry focus and expertise: Capital market expertise, focusing on banks and private equity; best practice experience in corporate governance in Asian bank boards; investment professional and strategy adviser to multinational companies and bodies
Previous experience: Initiated and implemented a best practice board leadership programme; structured more than 30 tailor-made project finance transactions totalling € 300 m in emerging markets; Led due dilligence teams to banks, corporates and private equity funds, and negotiated investor entry and exit Tel. + 49 151 701 53 727

Anthony Harvey, Managing Partner, Pacific Consult UK Ltd, Dorset
Previous experience: General Manager Europe for a large automotive logistics supplier, President of U.S. Online Services Company. CEO of six Graphics/Design companies, Director of worldwide Information Services.
As senior consulting partner achieved increases in profits, returns and customer satisfaction in large multinational companies in Financial Services, Automotive, Engineering, Logistics and IT in Europe.
Native English speaker, fluent in German. Tel: +49-(0)-2471-990-501